Monday, April 15, 2013


So I am currently on a TTC sabbatical after years off OC BC, monitoring CD, O, CM and lots of LOL BD with DH. Impatiently waiting out the 2WW LP to POAS with FMU on a OTC FRE HPT hoping for a BFP to be PG PMS free with a EDD but no MS. 
We have tried OPK, PIO, FSH and HCG, had a HSG and numerous US, analysed CP, EW and SA, tried IUI with AI and seen an INF NP and RE. Still no BFP, DS or DD just many BFN and AF’s. Trying to up my BMI for ART IVF following LAP for ENDO. Hope this made you LOL.

LOL MM2B xxx
PS Just found out about HEPA must investigate!
PSS Yes I have far too much TOMH but this has been SF and has MMFB and MMSAGAWHDTSFYOTBAM.
PPSS OK I made the last four up!

Key to TTC Acronyms: See link below. This really is GOOH!

HEPA = Hamster Egg Penetration Assay is a real thing!

Key to my Acronyms:
MM2B = Mindful Muma-to-be
TOMH = Time on my hands
SF = Super fun
MMFB = Made me feel better
MMSAGAWHDTSFYOTBAM = Made me smile and giggle and will hopefully do the same for you on this beautiful April morning
GOOH = Getting out of hand!

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